

Background and Purpose: Cytokines are among the many immune system factors involved in diabetes pathogenesis. The level of cytokines expression such as IFN-y is varying in individuals and societies. Due to the fact that diabetes nephropathies are known as inflammatory disorders and the role of cytokines especially IFN-g in the establishment of inflammations is well understood, the present study was aimed to examine serum level of IFN-y in type 2 diabetes patients with nephropathy complications. Material and methods: In this cross sectional descriptive study, serum samples were obtained from 100 type 2 diabetes patients with nephropathy and 100 healthy controls for the analysis of IFN-g serum level (eBiosense, ESP). Consent forms were also filled out by patients and healthy controls according to the rules and regulations of Zahedan Islamic Azad University Ethical Committee. The obtained data and questionnaires were analyzed in SPSS using ANOVA; p
