

Background and purpose: musculoskeletal discomfort Much of the illness and disability employment constitute in the workplace. In order to prevent disorders Need to evaluate ergonomic in the Workplace. This study aimed to the relationship musculoskeletal discomfort with Ergonomic risk factors in jobs Based on the method WERA on the construction project is.
Material and methods: On the this cross - sectional study, Jobs 42 workers (all workers) In the summer of 2014 in a project to build a mosque Tehran refinery martyr Tondgooyan with WERA method is evaluate. On the other hand, of Cornell questionnaires for the Assessment of musculoskeletal discomfort was used. Statistical analysis of the data collected with SPSS 16 software were performed.
Results: The average age of workers 24/7 ± 12/29, Most discomfort in the back and wrist and lowest for the lower leg and buttock. WERA Average final score equals 41/8 ± 78/38 was Which reflects the high-risk tasks For prevalence skeletal disorders is. Back trouble and wrist posture with the job Milling, drilling and other jobs is significant.
Conclusion: ergonomic desk design for milling and inactivity in sitting position, the use of damping and anti-vibration gloves along with Training the importance of the natural posture the drilling and similar tasks, Training of cargo correctly, especially with the method of Scott and Free and avoiding of abnormal posture in construction jobs can be to reduce ergonomic risk factors in the workplace Reduce musculoskeletal disorders.
