

Background & Objectives: Mashhad is holy city which annually welcomes more than 30 million Iranian and also more than a million pilgrims from abroad. Samen zone is the nearest place to the Holy Shrine. This zone with an area of about 337 hectare and with three healthcare centers in it is one of the important areas of Mashhad. Because of the area density, huge numbers of passengers and lack of appropriate accommodations for them, it seems that the health indices of these places to be not very good. Because there was not clear scientific status of these indicators there, this study was designed to clarify the value of health indices for accommodations places in the Samen zone in holy Mashhad in 1390.
Material & Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on the health status of all hospitality places (422 places) in Samen zone in summer 1390. To assess the health indices of the places according to Article No. 13 of Food, Drink and Cosmetics Act, a checklist was prepared about personal health, building health and equipment with 73 questions.
Results: Results showed that 15.17% of places had standards of health, 62.09% of them had criteria of building sanitation and 22 .75% of them had not satisfied conditions. The results also show that 92.2% of all workers had health card and 33.46% of them had health certificates.
Conclusion: Significant percentage of the places with poor health status pushes us to recommend a priority of providing better hygienic facilities. If it is not possible in reasonable time, the officials should prevent activities of these accommodations. By considering the number of employees of these places who had not health certified, continues education and regular inspection are useful for achieving better health conditions.
