
Background and Objective: Reconceptualization is a kind of critical thinking on education. By the same critics’ point of view, we investigated to examine the school concept with the role of school in mental health of the students..
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted through analytic-reviewing method that first forthe school concept from Reconceptualist viewpoint, books and other existing electronic sources were studied. ,subsequently, they were analyzed through analytic method as long as were in relationship with mental health of the students.
Results: Findings show that individuals with mental health, have traits such as self-developed character, ability to interact with others, creativity, active participation in life and ability to run their own life. while from Reconceptualist point of view, the sense of self, beauty, friendship and wonder have been lost in the labyrinth of tedious, repetitive, cliché assignments of the schools and the individual is defined based on the success and failure (pass /fail) like a statistical factor. It must be considered that motivations, interests, attitudes and experience of the students are necessary for promotion of mental health.
Conclusion: The results indicate that -according to Reconceptualists- sometimes the educational atmosphere of the schools and universities not only do not promote mental health but also it is a threat for it, because they apply inappropriate approaches, contents and misconduct which ultimately result in anxiety, nervousness and mental stress.
