Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Psychology Department, Islamic Azad University of Rasht, Rasht, Iran


Background and Aim: The spread of violence and aggression in Iranian society, especially in recent years, is one of the most serious social harm. The present study aimed to determine a structural model for aggression based on the emotion regulation, alexithymia, impulsivity and sensation seeking in students.
Materials and Methods: The method of this research is descriptive and the research design is correlation of the type of structural equation modeling. Sample of the research includes 210 students (136 girls and 74 boys) from the Islamic Azad University of Rasht in the second semester in 1391-97 year that They were selected by cluster sampling method and completed aggression questionnaire (AQ), emotional dysregulation scale (DERS), Baret's impulsivity questionnaire, Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TASS), and Zuckerman's sensation seeking Scale. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive indexes, Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling.

Results: The results of this study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables of emotion dysregulation, impulsivity, alexithymia and sensation seeking with aggression in students (P


Main Subjects

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