

Background: Burnout as multifaceted phenol minions serious issue for many faculty members which, can cause physical and mental diseases. It also can lead to negative attitude to professional activates and reduction of efficacy. This study aimed to assess the level of burnout and its=effect in work environment factors on faculty members of nursing schools in Khorasan Razavi.
Methods: For descriptive analytic study, 79 people were selected among nursing faculty members in the nursing school by census. Data were collected by using standard Maslach burnout and work environment index(NWI questionnaires).Using the SPSS software 11.5 we analyzed data in level of α=0.05by the ANOVA, T test.
Results: finding showed 42 patients (%56.8) of the participants were male. Based on Burnout the lack of personal accomplishment (%77),depersonalization(%74/3) and emotional exhaustion showed medium level(%68.9).Significant relationship was between gender and emotional exhaustion (p
