

Background and purpose: pamphigus vulgaris is one of the blistering auto immune diseases which is common in Iran. This disease is charactaized with the formation of auto-antibodies against one of the components adjoining epidermal cells.called Desmoglin-3. Although the first widely recognized line of treatment in such cases is the oral administration of corticosteroids, in many cases, other immuno-suppressive medications are used as supplementary treatments due to the undesirable side effects and insufficient positive results of previous treatments. One of the recent immuno suppressive drugs is my cophenolat mophetil. This article is intended to report ten such cases.
Patients: Ten patieuts with pamphigus vulgaris are reported,who had not obtained satisfactory results from other common clinical treatments. They were placed under treatment with preduisolone plus mycophenolat mophetil. In almost all cases. The healing process began within 3-4 weeks; aften 8-10 weeks, the disease was completely controlled.
Conclusion: Because of satisfactoly results and low rate of complications, mycophenolat mophetil can be considered an appropriate treatment for pamphigus vulgaris cases with liver and kidney complications, who are resistant to common immunosuppressive treatments.
