

Background and Purpose: Perineal pain is one of the most common postpartum problems in women, found in 94% of women undergoing episiotomys it brings about undesirable complications on the physical and mental health of mothers and their relationship with infants. This study was conducted to compare the effects of Acetaminophen tablets, Diclofenac suppositories and ice packs or relieving th perineal pain after episiotomy.
Methods and Materials: In this randomized clinical trial, 180 primiparous women with mediolateral were selected and randomly assigned into three groups (taking tablets, suppositories and using ice packs respectively) each with 60 subjects upon the onset of post-episiotomy pain the intensity of pain was measured through a 10-rate numerical scale before and after treatment. 50-mg Diclofenac suppositories (maximum 3 doses until the pain relieved) were given to the first group. The second group received 325-mg Acetaminophen tablets (maximum 4 doses until the pain relieved) and the third group used ice packs (on the basis of individual needs).
Descriptive statistics as well as non-parametric tests, frequent measurement (Friedman), Kruskal Wallis, and Wilcoxon were used in SPSS to analyze the obtained data.
Results: The results indicated that perineal pain significantly decreased in the three groups. However, the ice packs were more effective than Diclofenac suppositories and the latter was more effective than Acetaminophen tablets.
Conclusion: Encouraging patients and health workers to use non-pharmaceutical procedures and to avoid medicinal intervention seem to be necessary in order to reduce complications and saving time and expenses.
