Document Type : Original Article


1 School of nursing, Qom University of Medical Sciences. Qom. Iran

2 qom university of medical sciences



Background: It seems that the competence to maintain patient safety is affected by the culture of patient safety. the aim was determining the status of patient safety culture and its relationship with the competence of maintaining patient safety in nurses working in hospitals of Qom University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 338 nurses working in the hospitals of Qom University of Medical Sciences by quota sampling method and random in each hospital were examined in 1402. The tools used were patient safety culture and patient safety competency questionnaires. The data was analyzed in SPSS-21 software using Pearson correlation and multivariate linear regression. A significance level of 0.05 was considered.

Results: The patient's safety culture was observed in the studied sample at an average level. The results of the multivariate linear regression test showed that the frequency of reporting events and communication and providing feedback about errors were most related to the patient's safety competence (P<0.05). So for each unit increase in the average frequency of reporting incidents, the patient's safety competence increases by 0.19, and for each unit increase in the average communication and feedback about errors, the patient's safety competence increases by 0.22.

Conclusion: The patient safety culture is at the average level, and due to the relationship between the patient safety culture and the competence to patient safety, interventions to improve the patient safety culture in hospitals are emphasized.


Main Subjects