Document Type : Review article


1 Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

3 PhD of physiology, Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.



Background: Oxidative stress is recognized as a key factor in Alzheimer's disease, disrupting the balance of the antioxidant system. Studies have shown that some microalgae contain powerful antioxidant compounds that can help prevent nerve damage and the progression of Alzheimer's disease. This study aims to explore the potential of extracts and biologically active compounds derived from microalgae for the management and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Methods: The therapeutic properties and characteristics of microalgae were researched by collecting data from databases such as PubMed, ISI, SID, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar between 1998 and 2023. Among the articles reviewed, those related to the neuroprotective effects of microalgae in neurodegenerative diseases were analyzed in this study.

Results: Microalgae are rich in nutrients and can produce antioxidants under stressful conditions, helping to defend the body. Some green algae extracts have been reported to have inhibitory effects on cholinesterase activity and may improve cholinergic deficits in Alzheimer's patients.

Conclusion: Biochemical compounds found in microalgae are rich in neuroprotective potential, making them an excellent renewable source for producing pharmaceutical compounds and nutritional supplements for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.


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