

Background and Purpose: Gnorrhoeae is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the developing and developed countries. This bacterium has gained some resistance against several antibiotics used as promary medication in the past decade; therefore the use of ciprofloxacin has been recommended. On the basis of reportsd on the reducation of this bacterium to ciprofloxacin this study in conducted to determine its sensitivity.
Methods and Materials: This deh1ive research was conducted on the population of patients admitted to medical laboratories in Mashad Iran who were suspicious of having Neisseria Gnorrhoeae. They were selected by convenient sampling. 1348 cases with urethral discharge were examined from 2003 to 2004; two swaps were taken for smear and culture. After colony growth and the identification of the Neisseria Gnorrhoeae antibiogram was performed via disc diffusion with penicilin tetracyclin erythromycin and ciprofloxacin discs. Then the minimal inhibitory concentration was deetermined for ciprofloxacin.
Results: 71 cases of Neisseria Gnorrhoeae were identified of which 16.9% were sensitive to penicilin 25.3% to tetracyclin 67.6% to erythromycin and 70.3% to ciprofloxacin. 6 cases were resistant to ciprofloxacin and their MIC ranged from 1 to 16mgr/ml.
Conclusion: Since ciprofloxacin is currently the primary treatment for Neisseria Gnorrhoeae it seems that with the increased resistance obsered in the present study ciprofloxacin can no longer be considered as the preferred antibiotic against Neisseria Gnorrhoeae. Therefore self treatment without medical preh1ion is strongly prohibited.
