

Background and purpose: Dermatophytes are a group of keratophilic fungi some of which produce arthroconidia under invivo conditions and these seem to have an important role in pathogenecity. Arthroconidia formation is a characteristic of dermatophyte infection of skin hair and nail. The present study is intended to study the effects of environmental factors and conventional antifungal drugs on the production of this pathogenic agent in some dermatophytes. Methods and materials: This is a deh1ive analytical study involving the research population of patients with dermatophytosis admitted to Razi hospital in Tehran Iran during 2006-2007. Fifty patients were selected through convenient sampling and were include in the study after direct microscopic examination confirmed the disease. In the present study the environmental factors including the media (SDA SDA+NaCl 1% 3% and 5% Trichophyton agar no.1 and SDB) temperature PH CO2 and the conventional antifungal drugs (Geriseofulvin Clotrimazole Itraconazole Terbinafin and Betametasone) were observed for their effects on arthroconidia production in Trichophyton Verucosum Trichophyton riolaseum Epidermophyton floccosum Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton Mentagrophytes. The obtained data were analyzed using Chi- Square and student t-test. Results: The highest production rate of arthroconidia occurred in SDA with PH (7.5) CO2 pressure 10% and temperature of 37ºC after 10 days. No growth was observed at the temperature of 42ºC and in a media of NaCl 3% or higher. Geriseofulvin Clotrimazole and Betametazone stimulated arthroconidia production but Itraconazole and particularly Terbinafin stopped and controlled its production. Conclusion: The results of this study emphasized the importance of arthroconidia production and its being influenced by environmental factors such as PH CO2 pressure and media in dermatophytes
