Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc in Ergonomics, Occupational Health Department, School of Public Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Master Student in Occupational Health, , Occupational Health Department, School of medical Sciences, Tarbiat Moddares University, Tehran,Iran

3 Bachelor of Occupational Health, Student Research Committee, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

4 M.Sc. in Occupational Health, Instructor, Research Center on Social Determinants of Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

5 Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background: Computer users are at risk of musculoskeletal disorders due to immobility and static activities, therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders using ROSA method among computer users of administrative section of Sabzevars hospitals.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, which conducted 1397, 151 administrative staff were selected from four hospitals by census method. To investigate the pattern of pain in their limbs, participants completed the Body Map checklist and ROSA method was used to assess the ergonomic risk factors at workstations. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and t-test, Chi-Square / Fisher's Exact and Pearson statistical tests was analyzed.
Results: The results showed that the most pain and discomfort reported among the participants were in the lower back (54.32%), back (51.16%), neck (44.24%), and shoulder (38.97%), respectively. Moreover, knee (36.02%). It also showed a significant relationship between age, work experience, exercise and gender with musculoskeletal pain (P-value <0.05). There was a significant relationship between chair score with pain in back, back and knees and mouse and keyboard score with pain in shoulder and wrist (P-value <0.01).
Conclusion: The high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and the high score obtained in the ROSA method among hospital staff is evidence of the need for ergonomic interventions among them.


Main Subjects

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