Document Type : Original Article


4530, Cote Des Neiges, apt= 907


Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sensory-motor integration on gross motor skills children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Matgerials and Methods:To this end, among all elementary grade two male students in Tehran three regions stratified random sampling based on questionnaires and practical tests MABC, 30 students were selected with developmental coordination disorder. To assess the children's gross motor skills, gross motor test Ulrich Second Edition (TGMD-2) was used. After the pre-test subjects were randomly assigned to two groups of 20 subjects were divided into control and experimental groups as homogenous. The experimental group in 50 sessions of 45 minutes, 6 days a week, did exercises, sensory-motor integration, while the control group in their usual activities in their schools. In order to analyze the data, analysis of covariance was used.Results:The results demonstrated that sensory-motor integration program had a significant affection (P


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