Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, Iran


Introduction: In obesity, the serum levels of Asprosin are pathologically upregulated, this is thus considered a therapeutic target. This study aimed to explore the effect of exercise training as combined training (Aerobic+ Resistance training) along with Caffeine supplementation on the plasma levels of Asprosin in middle-aged obese men.
Materials and Methods: 38 obese men aged 35 to 50 years, with a BMI of greater than 28 participated in the research. They were stratified randomized into 4 groups. including: 1-Control-placebo (n=10), 2- Caffeine (n=10), 3- Combined training-placebo (n=9) and 4- Caffeine and combined training (n=9). The caffeine group consumed the caffeine tab 4.5 mg per kg body weight, daily, for 6 weeks. The Combined training group had concurrent aerobic and resistance training for 6 weeks (3 sessions per week). Blood samples were collected before and after the intervention, and the plasma asprosin concentration was measured by the ELISA method.
Results: By the effect of the Combined training, the Asprosin level was reduced (p=0/01). Taking Caffeine alone did not significantly reduce Asprosin (p=0/19). The Asprosin declined in the group that had both Combined training and Caffeine (p=0/01).
Conclusion: In order to reduce the upregulated Asprosin in obese individuals known as pathologic, combined training is recommended and/so it is not necessary to take caffeine along with the training.


Main Subjects

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